Trade In Goods

(Photo: ASEC - Community Relations Division)
Chapter 2 of the AANZFTA on Trade in Goods details the progressive liberalisation of tariffs from the entry into force of the Agreement. AANZFTA aims to eliminate tariffs for at least 90% of products traded in the region within a specified timeline. Australia and New Zealand committed to achieve 100% elimination of tariffs by 2020.
Click here to access Annex 1 of the Agreement: Schedules of Tariff Commitments.
Further reduction or elimination of tariffs is also allowed under AANZFTA through negotiations between Parties or through a party’s unilateral action. AANZFTA also allows for future discussions among Parties on quantitative restrictions and non-tariff measures with a view of enhancing trade under the Agreement.
Read the Agreement: Chapter 2. Trade in Goods