Commercialisation of IPRs - Introduction
IP Commercialisation is the process of bringing the IPRs to the market in order for them to be exploited in return for business profits and growth. In other words, there is no point in protecting your IPRs through registration, and then keep them locked in a drawer. In that case, your IPRs will have cost you money, but they would not bring you any income: not a wise choice. Instead, as soon as you have duly protected your IPRs, you should immediately commence their commercialisation so as to recoup the investment you made to develop or acquire them and protect them.
To reap the economic benefits from your IPRs, you have to make them available in the market, under particular conditions and for a particular return. This means that only if you put your IPRs on the market and exploit them to the fullest, you will be able to make money out of them and gain commercial success. In other words, IP commercialisation is a must. As already mentioned, one of the greatest advantages of IPRs is that, in view of their intangible nature, they can be commercialized by several business actors at the same time, in different locations, through a variety of business models and contractual instruments. In other words, the return on investment can be phenomenal!

In order to achieve business success, you will have to adopt a sound business strategy that encompasses all your IPRs and chose the most appropriate commercial tools for their commercialisation. This Section of the site will provide you with an “A to Z Guide” to make sure that:
- You are fully aware of what you have to do to start your commercialisation process (Section A), and what are the various options to protect your IPRs at home and abroad (Section B).
- You chose the most appropriate contractual arrangement to commercialize your IPRs (Section C).
- You properly manage your IPRs and avoid some common mistakes that could vanish your efforts to reach commercial success (Section D).
- You effectively use your IPRs online (Section E).
- You are capable of adopting the best technique to promote your business through branding, digital marketing, packaging, etc. (Section F).
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